Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Words That Don't Seem to Go Together

Now its time to be controversial in a post. I've been thinking about words that don't go together. Here are some ones you may have heard before.

Working + Vacation

Customer + Service

Sane + Sky Diver

OK, I made the last one up as a joke (Please don't protest sky divers). But honestly there are some words that don't seem together in our society.

Interesting + Lecture. I think the vast majority of college students will agree on this one.

Funny + Sitcom. I don't watch many newer sitcoms anymore as their quality has sharply declined since their glory days from the 60's to the 80's. They mostly are just a steady stream of sex jokes and if you have to resort to sex humor to write jokes, then you need to face the reality that you are not a good comedy writer.

Honest + Journalist. I'm sure a small number of journalists out there are honest but I have learned not to automatically believe anything written or reported by a journalist at face value. They too often slant and distort news brazenly to suit either their political ideology and/or to sensationalize the news they are reporting.

Easy + Diet. I think anyone who has tried to lose weight will agree on this one.

New Years Resolution + That Was Kept. I'm sure all of you that vowed to workout at the gym every day and have already violated that will agree on this one.

Conservative + Democrat. If your actually out there, your not holding political office as a governor, representative, or senator. And if you do get elected, you will slowly drift more to the left the longer you are in office. Some may protest that some conservative Democrats were elected in 2006, but I won't believe it until I see their voting records at the end of the year.

Politically Competent + Republican. While there are some of you who are conservative, you have not shown any competence in the last few years in advancing a conservative, Reaganeque agenda. You seem to mostly be apologizing to the liberals for not being as liberal as they are (and spending government money on pork projects for the district that you have no businesss spending that way).

Honest + Journalist. This just needs to be repeated for emphasis.



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