Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Popular Christmas Songs You've Never Heard About

Yes, there are popular Christmas songs you've probably never heard about. That's because they are popular only with particular groups and sub-groups and sub-sub groups and minor cliques and by individual couples etc, etc, etc.

Jingle Bell Country = popular with those who hate rock.

Rudolph the Red State Reindeer = popular with Republicans.

Frosty the Snowperson = popular with the Politically Correct.

Belize Navidad = popular in the country of Belize.

Reindeer Got Run Over By Grandma = popular with Grandmother's who hate the other version.

Santa Claus is Mugging the Town = popular with muggers.

I'll Be Nome For Christmas = popular with the Nome, Alaska Tourist industry.

Single Bells = popular with on-line dating service workers.

White Out Christmas = popular with the makers of white-out.

Standing Still Around the Christmas Tree = popular with traditional Baptists who would never be accused of dancing or rocking or whatever.

Vinter Vonderland = popular with Lawrence Welk fans.

12 Weighs of Christmas = popular with Diet Plan Providers.

Deck the Halls = this is a different version popular with the Smith family next door that hates the Hall family's increasingly gaudy decoration display that constantly shines 7 Billion Watts of Lights into their windows and causes a massive traffic jam in the neighborhood by everyone who is driving by looking at the lights thus causing the Smith's to have hostile feelings towards the Halls and the Smith's wistfully dreaming of violent actions against the Hall's.

and finally:

Oh Christmas Tulip = popular with Calvinists who hang lights and ornaments on their tulips every Christmas season.

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