Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Walt Disney World & Your Local Church - Part 1

This past Saturday I went to a local mall with my wife. I allow myself book money so I won't be bored at the mall when my wife is in "women's stores". This week I bought an extraordinary new guide to Walt Disney World (WDW) I had not previously seen. It is filled with colorful pictures, colorful pages, and helpful information on planning your visit. It reminded me of my emotional connection to this place.

I visited California's Disneyland on my 7th birthday in 1977. I followed that with visits to WDW in Florida in 1980, 1988, 1995, and my honeymoon in 2004. On my honeymoon, after we had visited three of the four theme parks, I commented to my wife that this place gets to me at an emotional core level. You see, I don't just enjoy my trips to WDW, it is an emotional experience for me. Almost, do I dare say it, a religious experience.

Whoah, that started to sound like heresy. A theme park as religious experience for a Christian! How can that be! Well, to say the least, I have pondered this for some time now. Why would a saved person who believes in an inerrant Bible that should be lived view a collection of theme parks with religious significance? Dont' forget these are not "Christian theme parks' owned by Christians. These parks primarily exist to make money not spread God's love. They promote at times an unrealistic view of the world. They are open on Sunday! They even teach evolution at EPCOT!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!!!!!!!


That's right. You see what I connect to emotionally at WDW are things like Beauty, Quality, Good Story-telling, Child-like Wonder, Creativity, Smiling, Laughing, and just plain fun. I like the fact that WDW is highly organized and has a good structure. I like the fact that they will do what it takes to fulfill their mission: to provide people happiness. I like the fact that WDW is a place for families to grow closer and bond together. I like the fact that WDW is a place where the troubles of the real world can be left behind for awhile. I like the fact that even though you are busy seeing and doing things, you are essentially resting while you are there. You are taking a Sabbath, so to speak. And it is possible to encounter God there.

What does WDW have to do with the local church? Plenty. And I'll tell you to begin with that most churches provide Very Few or None of the Above things I just mentioned. AND THAT IS A PROBLEM!!!

We'll explore this further in our next post.

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